The Winter x Cori Story

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So guys. Not meaning to brag but my story, World agents us is really fucking awesome. Like shit got intense and everything.

Just I feel so amazing. That last chapter not the authors note but the last one was just UGGGG.

you guys should read it because I didn't even think about it I was just typing the entire time letting my brain do all the thinking while I just sit there and zone out looking at the key bored.

Its just that fucking awesome and also. Guys I need some fucking ideas to write about on here I mean fuck I'm not saying I'll take recommendations just to say it I mean it. And guys just dudes please vote for my story or even this like I'm going to rage quit

And don't be afraid to be different and post something on my wall I love that shit. Also. Please tell people about me. Please. Love you all.

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