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I just realized that I'm going to have to change the date to the 27th of August because like....yeah. Life... Anyways so the title obviously says what the topic is going to be about like always.

This sickness always starts off with one person in the family. Like it's allways that ONE PERSON!!! ☝ And this one person, lady's and gentlemen, turns out to be my nine year old brother 💩 Johnathan. And yes, I put a poo emoji there next to brother because that's how he is. Poo. A big hot steaming pile of elephant doodoo.

After it started with my brother it decided to move to the babys. Jr and Faith. I couldn't really find an emoji that like sybolized them so I'll throw in some more poo 💩💩. After it spread to them it came to me, then my step dad, then my mom. Nanny was the only one that wasn't infected.

Of course when your like doo doo💩 sick😷😷😷 you expect your parents to be like "its ok you can stay home today." But no. Not with this family. No one cares if your ass is sick they're still going to send us to school.

I am so serious that I'm not even joking. We can have Ebola for all they care and they'll still fight with the doctors and send us to school. They will shove you inside of a plastic human sized ball with your books and still send your infected self to school. And I'm just like why. Why do you do this to me? Why cruel world!!

~Winter Yuki ಥ_ಥ

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