Mirai Nikki

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4 September 2016

I like how that picture surprisingly fits. Like it proves such a statement. A statement in which I believe is true. I mean unless of course you have another yandere anime that you think is better than Mirai Nikki. If you do tell me the name so I can watch it. Now moving on to the subject.

It's currently 21:47 and I no joke just finished watching Mirai Nikki. Out of all the horror anime's that I have seen this one ranks number .5. The other .5 goes to Another. That anime had such a major plot twist it was insane. Like the teacher was the extra the entire time and I'm like, *over exaggerated gasp*

Anyways yeah, Future Diary's was like wow. At first I had guessed that it was either Yuno or Yukki that created the world again. I only knew this from reading Yandere boy.

But seeing Yukki go all crazy and going on a killing spree was just like *gasp* 😱. I totally didn't expect Jon to go crazy like that it was so random. Especially when he was killing the Eighths orphans too.

I just don't know. There was so many plot twisting and mind boggling things that happened. It was at first overwhelming but then I got used to it. But what I didn't expect was Yuno committing suicide at the end. I thought that was so cute 😍. I'm not sorry that I'm weird.

I personally think that the anime was very romantic. But not the park when Mur Mur chains where unbound and she kicked the living poo 💩 out of the terrorist. Especially when she had her arm in her mouth sitting on top of the building. I thought that was cool.

The only thing that has me on edge is the way it ended. Like Yukki been god for 10,000 years then Hus diary changes to Yuno sees him or something and I'm like 😱😱 there has to be a season two. If they don't make a season too then I'm just... I don't even know I'll be depressed 😧 for days.

So if anyone of you have any useful information concerning a possibility of a season 2 Mirai Nikki please please comment or Pm me. That also goes for the third season of free! Oh and um those of you who knows how to dedicate a chapter so someone can you please tell me... I've been trying to figure out how to do that for a while. Lastly if you have any anime's you want to recommend to this weeaboo please do. 😃😃

~Winter Yuki🐬

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