School And The People.

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You see that period up there ^ well that's how serious this subject is going to get.

School. I love gaining New knowledge and all that jazz bit. But the people man. They act like animals. Now my old school that I went to in Georgia, that place was fun. To an extent.

I mean besides all the people doing extranets and the lack of fun it was ok. The people there is just crazy. Well beside my girlfriend and my friends. We had a reason for everything.

Like but random people would just smoke weed and talk about dicks and pussys and gang bang. Well my girlfriend and brung a knife and a shit load of scissors inside her boot for her ancle.

The only thing we did wrong was drink vodka. If y'all want to know my story and put it in here just let me know. Or comment because y'all don't know to comment and vote I mean like shit. Anyways.

People at high schools now are just fighting. Like they are fighting just to create a scean (shut  up I dont know how to spell).  They will be like "oh hi person!" then the other would be like "wanna fight bitch " then they start fighting and I'm just like....da fuck

Then another thing is when people croud up in a big fucking circle and there not even fighting. I mean, I'm just trying to get to my damn class.

Another thing is when people hate you for no God damn reason. I mean I honestly don't care if you hate me because welp. I honestly can care less all I need is my fam and my girl and friends.

But there my tiny segment on school people.

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