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July 19th, 2016


So um... I remembered the date lol. I mean the date of the date. I persobaly don't have a date lol. I'm... A loner lol. I can't see no one lol I'm just in the house all day. I'm also writing between breaks while watching America's got talent judge cuts. And let's just say, *fans face* I fangirl like crazy lol. Oh fuck nvm someone just shoved a drill down there throat. Well... *clears throat* to bad he's straight because if he was gay he could be deep throating the D for days. Anyways.... Back to the subject.

I told my dad that I'm going to be an assassin

11:38 pm

Sorry lol i got like super distracted with life. Lol jk. I was still watching AGT and then my grandma joined. But now I'm in my room now with no distractions unless I pass out. By the way I'm going to start adding the time when I wrote and what not because I feel like you should know how easily distracted I get while writing. Now!!!!! We can continue what I was going to say if I still remember.

Ok so I was in the living room watching step up... Something I don't remember which one but its like about the Vortex and a group of dancers go on there. Idk. But my step dad walked in wait no. I was in the kitchen. Ok so I was doing something in the kitchen that I forgot then my step dad walked in and that's when I told him that I wanted to become an assassin and that I was going to train myself into becoming one too.

Then he's like "(Government name) you've been watching to much anime."

Me: "no I haven't. I don't need to be inspired by noir." (Current anime that he had that I was watching)

Him: "have you figured it out yet?"
Then we started talking about the anime then I found out that there is a fucking hentai scene. Which means anime porn, between the two female assassin's. Then I'm like scared but then ok with it because I like I knew that those two had a thing for each other but then the poor girl is just a girl or a teen or something then you have the young grown up blond. Shits weird. But then I'm thinking that I'm going to go les because boy's are strictly forbidden.

Anyways. When I was watching America got talent and it went on break I was walking to the kitchen again then Chris said something I forgot but then I was like, "you want to fight man"

Then he's like "let's do this" and he stands up and everything. And I know I can't win because one he's like super strong and in the army and killed people and probably kills people in his head but I just waked back. Then he's like "assassin's never back down to a fight"

The I say, "I haven't started training yet" anyways long story short. I'm going to be an assassin because anime and TV movies/ shows where my inspiration.

~Winter “ψ(`∇´)ψ

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