Lack of Suggestions

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Uh dudes. What the fuck guys I mean like seriously. I might be a writer but shit. I can't come up with every fucking topic there is I mean like guys seriously.

I gave everyone my info to contact me and other bull shit if you have any suggestions or shit. I will litterly tall about anything you want me to.

I don't think you guys have mastered the concept or have had it go through your brains that I'm a blunt fucking person. I mean if you suggest something about like say for example porn. I will not hesitate to talk about it.

And also if some of you have suggestions outside of this say for example you want me to start writing a story about you or a fan fic I can.

I will do anything that I can possibly do, with of course permission with my girlfriend, to make you guys happy. I'm just giving options here.

Like I'm starting to think that I might rant on here about my favorite movie I don't know.

Its just you guys, stop being So god damn lazy. Love you all. Bye.

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