Power outage

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4 December 2016

Sup guys. So recently I think it was last Tuesday or
Wednesday we had this huge power ourage at the school.

Normally we suspect a few blown out lights here and there but nooo this was a full out power outage. So this is where is began....

I was just sitting with all of my uperclassman like normal while having a not so normal conversation. Like you know, inappropriate stuff. This annually happens every day until the line goes down.

Finally the line goes down and one of the people at the table announces it. Then, all of us hungry people leave. But see, I wasn't hungry. Normally I don't eat breakfast or lunch but my most caring senpai had to me to come in the line with him so I did. (I has a crush on Senpai... Shhhhh don't tell Senpai...(●__●)

Like always us needs are at the end of the line chatting amongst ourselves when BAM! THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!!

This is what happens next....

Principal: *turns on flashlight on phone* every be quiet!

Me: instinctively finds my fat senpai and tries to keep my secret (I'm scared of the dark) at a minimum. *gropes this random body's boob and finds it to be my senpai* "Senpai you ok?"

Senpai: yeah I'm ok you?

Me: *blushes* yes thank you. *turns on phone with maximum brightness and watches the principal talk.

Principal: Imma need every one to shut their mouths for a second. Who every threw that milk carton, is gonna get 10 days. They people next to him also gonna get 10 days for not snitching. *blah blah blah*


Ok here's my problem who the hell would throw a milk carton. Like, why? I can understand screaming when the power goes out but throwing a milk carton? Come on!

Anyways yeah, we ate lunch in darkness then the power came on. Then senpai said in the hallway latter on, "wanna know what my first instinct was when the lights when off?"

Me: *nods*

Senpai: "is Winter safe"

I swear I almost died when he said that. Like that was the most romantic thing that ever happened between me and my senpai.

~Distruction and demons,
    ~Winter ( ̄^ ̄)

May you find true love with senpai.

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