Fan Fic Here I Come!

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30th August 2016

So remember a while back when I was talking about writing fanfic on Free! and stuff? Yeah well, I'm going to do it. But see I'll probably do it after I'm finished watching the first season but I think I should wait until I finish Free! Enternal Summer.

For those of you who don't already know, I am practically obsessed with Free! I love the characters, the story line, the humor, the sugestive yoai, everything. Free! is a sports anime to watch. But don't worry because after I finish my anime list which consists of the Free! Movie that just came out, Assassination Classroom season two episodes 19-25, I'm going to have to restart future diary because I forgot where I left off in that anime, dangaropa 3 and I think that's it.

But after I finish the premature anime list I'm going to watch the basket ball animé. And just *sigh* I'm going to watch all of it. Which means I have a lot of downloading to do.

Anyways about the fanfic. I'm already thinking about how I'm going to do it. I'm thinking that maybe I'll do little scenarios and have a book for each ship that's a couple chapters long. I don't know it depends on how big the ship is. Like with Haru, you can ship almost anyone with Haru. But I know the mainstream ships which I will write on would be Haru x Rin, Haru x Makoto, and possibly Haru x Nagisa. I don't know if I should ship Rei with anyone so far so I'm just going to wait till season two.

I have more ships for Rin too like the grey headed boy and the one from Enternal Summer. Yeah. Its been a while since I watched enternal summer. Don't worry I have the entire season on my phone. The special and movie should be downloaded today. Hopefully. I'll just download the movie during one of my classes.

Ooooo also, if you watch Free! and are a Free! fan and you have some ships you want me to tag and write about go ahead and comment below and I'll make sure that whenever I finish Enternal Summer that I'll start working on the FanFic. Then again I have a test Thursday on geometry *SCREAMS* and I have to finish chapter 6 of Haru's point of view in Findind Harmony. Goodbye my  beautiful orca's.

~Winter Yuki (ノ^o^)ノ☺☺😂😂😀😀😃😄😉

P.S I will not be writhing smutty fanfic. I don't need the swimming version of Boku no Pico on my profile.

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