Updates, Questions, And Info On Saving Harmony.

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27 September 2016

Ok soooo like I said, writers block. Anyways listen up. Chapter Six which is the next Chapter which is in Haru's p.o.v is almost complete. Well it's complete but incomplete. The chapter its self is done but un edited. And I am about a quarter into the way into the chapter for it to be officially done. So I need to know, do you want me to post the draft then update it later so it can be less shitty, or do you want to wait until it's met to my half assed editing standards?

Oki, now that that's done here's something I want to encourage. If you know me which I can highly doubt, you know I'm a sucker for sappy and cliché love scenes. If you readers want to request something to happen in the date or what could be the date please let me know so I can see what I can do. And don't worry because if I use your idea to heart I'll include you at the end or the beginning of the story for thanks. I'm not that big of an ass hole

Also, if you guys actually know how because I really dont, you should totally make banners or covers or whatever. Even fan art. I loovvee me some fan art. I'll post pictures of your art as well and indeed add you at the beginning or the end of the book. Mmm and also how do you dedicate a chapter to some one? I tried it and I just epicaly fail multiple times.

So anyways news on Saving Harmony, the entire plot week one is done all I have to do is put it into words then make chapters. For those of you who know that Winter is dying don't worry. It won't be that sad. Ok it'll be a little sad but its ok. At least I got it done and over with so you guys already know that she's dying.

Any who, remember that fight that Haru and Sophie had? What's your opinion. Should Winter teach her how to play the violin or have Haru's mom teach her the piano. (Note that if Haru's mom decided to teach her how to play the piano there will be family drama)

So what about shipping names? If you guys have shipping names for Haru and Winter comment. Comment.  Comment. Comment ideas too or great classical music songs that you might want me to add in the book. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and they might end up playing your suggestion for the finals or the schools performance night.

Well. Hope y'all have a good life.


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