Shitty Day.

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Today was like..."OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN MY LIFE!" The order of events that made my day shitty is as follows.

1) Today in orchestra our teacher wasn't here. Ok yeah I'm used to that because he was judging a competition I completely understand. But right I noticed that my violin sounded funny when I played the A string. Now of course I thought it was just my bow placement but when I realized my bow was only places on one string I was flipping out. Now since the substitute didn't conduct the orchestras because she was just there to be there I went towards someone who is actually the best player in class and showed it too her and she didn't even know what was wrong with it. So not only was I freaking out because j thought the entire thing was broken but I was also crying and didn't have anyone to support me because no one knows how much that violin means to me. But I'm hoping that it's just what Baliey said and thinks it's just the string and it needs to be changed.

2) After my depressing orchestra break down on crying over the lost remorse over my violin soul I had to switch classes. While I was trying to calm down while walking with my friend Heather this guy, it's always the same fucking one, ran into me. Now me in the following combinations: Angry, pissed, mad, heart broken, depressed, hot (temperature wise), psychotic, and ready to go insane is the worst combination ever. Now there is another combination that's worse but I don't feel like saying it. Anyways I jogged after him and was just about to punch him in the face When Heather pulled me back. Then I had to wait trying to beat up this person because I was being restrained. But after she lost her grip from trust while the kid was shit talkin, I decide to jump in the air and prepare to kick him in his side until Heather pulled me down on the earth causing me to fuck up the right side of my body.

3) People where cheating in PD (physical dimensions(Pe(physical education)))

4) After school I was in a dodge ball tournament and was always the last person out and because the people would hit me in my face. The last time they did that I calasped on the ground holding my repeatedly injured eye and no one came to assist me.

5) I had to break up with the toxic relationship that I was in.

So Yeah. That's a little sum of my day. It was crap man it was insane. Love you all though.

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