Bad News

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Hey guys so I have bad news. Like really bad news. But where there is a bad news there is a good news. I don't know maybe. But let me put the date down because I keep forgetting it for some reason.

July 9, 2016

Ok so I was conversing with my step dad about making money off of baby sitting so I can pay this freaking phone bill. And so he brug up something sad and depressing. Even though I didn't ask for a new phone, he said that he's not going to let me spen money or buy another phone cards thing until we go to Alaska so I can be on there plan.

And more bad news is that I'm going to Alaska in January. At first when I just came back he said March but he changed it to January.

So I guess some of the good news is that I'll still find ways to update and hopefully if I can force it on my mom and step dad to let me use there phone to update or go to the library. I could be getting a new phone too so I could actually have my own phone instead of sharing it with my grandma. Even though since we don't have data on it I completely took over the phone.

But since that long waiting period if me wanting to update it gives me some time to correct some of my writing and ya. Also gives me more time for my new book.

Which on that topic is more bad news because my dad said it would be copyright if I said "Misfit Academy" so he told me to change it to "Intrepid Academy" and sadly my broken bootleg computer that I have yet seen is in the pawn shop because of my mom probably because of my mom. My dad informed me of this so ya.  But don't worry because I might be able to get it back and hopefully........

Sorry man I was watching vids of the jabbawakkies. There like this amazing dance crew omg. Annnnnyways yeah. So theres the good and bad news and ill keep you posted about my life.

~Winter Yuki ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

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