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July 27, 2016

Alright so it's obvious that I haven't been writing in like forever on this bio but mainly it's because I have like nothing to write about. But there has been some moments that I thought I should write about something that occurred but idk. I guess I'll talk about it now since this chapter is called randomness. But um I'll start with what happened a couple of days ago.

So I have this friend to say and she's nine. And yes I have been told that I should hang around people my own age since I am fifteen after all. But anyways I went to her house and she lives just the next street over and it's not that far if a walk and I hanged out with her and her mom for an hour. Because if she and I wanted to hang out then either her grandma or her ma had to be there so we could play and whatever. And not to mention that the girl I hang out with is my 1 year and seven month ex. Who is currently dating a 13 year old who possibly doing pot that's the cousin of his and mine friend. But anyways his girlfriend told me not to talk/see/text him. Ever. Oh snap I need to make a new paragraph.

*clears throat* anyways after I left the house I asked my ma if I could go back over there and she was sleeping to I took advantage of that and asked my grandma. But when I went over there for another hour her mom was sleeping and her grandma was present but she was always in and out. But her eldest brother is an adult and made this wonderful point that her and I should be hanging around people our own age and etc and told me to leave so I did.

Then yesterday she came over with oma (her grandma and that's how I spell it so leave me alone lol) was waiting out side. And that dad my step dad was lecturing me and what not and like always I walked with them. And the only thing that I have a problem with her is when she crys. Because I hate it when she crys because it's like something inside of me dies.

But I've been dealing with it. But anyways I have a new topic to talk about now that my brain is clear but I need a new segment for this. Because this my beautiful potatoes calls for a devoting ranting page.

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