My wish.

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When I little, I use to see people with cancer and wish it on myself. I thought to myself, "why must you people suffer. Why must you suffer alone! Let me help you" last week I wrote 5 letters to the cancer patents that are random. This was for extra credit but I didn't care. I did what I could in my time. When I see people who are trans or any type of suffering I wish it on myself. They don't deserve to be this way. No one deserves to suffer. There is a way people act the way they do but I just wanted to help them. I will take half of there burden and cause pain to myself because they don't deserve it. If I could. God if I could just help anyone. Just switch lives with someone to end there suffering just to see them happy I would die happy. Even though my life isn't the best. It would be better than nothing. Better then the suffering they have now. People always told me that I was a sick person to wish those terrible things on myself. But I really don't. I want to help you.

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