Tape Face *Fangirls*

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July 28, 2016

So last night... My heart almost broke. I felt so betrayed and heart and like omg I can't even fathom. So here's what happen. For those of you who watch AGT (America's got talent) you would know that this week was the first week of the live shoes. And I think there's like four weeks worth of it because there was four judge cuts and I only seen the last three.

Anways I was watching the live shows and I missed 20 minutes of it and I almost died. It was good more or less but the last performance of the little 14 year old opera singer. OMG!!! I had shivers down my spine and Nanny did too it was just amazing.

Anyways I think my other favorite performance was when Tape Face performed. And at the time my mom was watching it with my Nanny and I and we just cept busting out laughing because it was just so hilarious. Especially when he and that other guy was messing with the glasses and the music. Omg. I almost died it was just too funny.

Anyways when it came to voting the next day which was yesterday I was just so scared. Because you know I was keeping track of how many people where left and the people that was being chose I was scared. Anyways when it came to TapeFace, the magician and the dancers I knew only two could pass. And when it came down to TapeFace and the dancers I was like speechless. And because I didn't vote I'm just hoping that America isn't a bitch to me and pick bad choreography than my bae.

Buuut. Luckly TapeFace won. And boy when the host said tape face I jumped up from the couch and shouted and my grandma had to calm me down but I was just that damn happy.

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