Necterine Spell

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Ok so I was just about to finish the ruff draft of chapter 6 then watch Free! but then I seen this and I'm like oh well I mine as well finish this first before I finished everything else. Its also like 21:42. And by everything else I mean just chapter six. Well.. That's not entirely true I mean I'm going to go finish watching Free! Then start on Free! Eternal Summer. I have both of the full length theme songs with lyrics included. Yeah I sort of did that today while I was doing homework. So yeah...

Anyways this whole nectarine thing happened during lunch today. So when I was passing by the lunch room I noticed that we were having chicken nuggets. Now, normally I don't eat lunch but since we were having nuggets I was like fuge it. I wasn't really hungry though lol. Anyways after the B lunch bell rang I darted out of the classroom and ran to the line.

Actually darted is an understatement. My teacher kept us for a hit second because we were being immiture people and actted like hooligans. I didn't mind though because I normally take like five years to put everything a side and leave. But it was when she dismissed us I pratocally was doing to fast paste almost running like trotting.

Skipping to the lunch line there was no one I knew that was there so early so it was just me myself and I. So when I ever so quietly got my tray I noticed that they had these balled peaches and I'm practically praying to a make believed peach god. I really really really wanted to be the fat ass that I am and grab like three of those things but I didn't have my jacket on me. So I grabbed one.

Throughout the lunch period I ended up with six of those things. I ate two and had four left. But see when I would eat them I would make sure no one would try to steal them so I would watch everyone and when someone would look at me I'd shout, "don't touch my peach!!!" Then hiss at them.

I don't know why jut I like those things. To the death.... Lol I'm joking.

~Winter Yuki ~(^з^)-💙

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