*Girly Giggles*

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Hey guys. *giggles* so, I've been thinking on a numbed of occasions that I should write a Free! Fan fic. Like the swimming anime. And this is why. Its all thanks to my friend when she came over.

So I was watching her scroll through her Facebook and saw a Free! Fan page. And of course with my new found love (not) with the Olympian Michael Phillips it made me become a fangirl for free again even though I can't watch it anymore because of the lack of data and WiFi.

Anyways so I seen the page and I took the phone and started bluetoothing the pictures I liked before she left and believe it or not I got like two screen savers and like three others.

But if I do write the fanfic I'm trying to decide whether or not to make a booklet of the Free! Fan fic and add different ships. Idk yet. I think I need some support from you guys.

~Winter ~(^◇^)/

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