Been A While

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4 November

Hey guys. As you can clearly see, I haven't been updating for a while. Like a lonnng time. But see, that's not all entirely my fault.

Ok so you know what a VPN is right? That little thing you use when you hook up to your school WiFi so you can unblock all of the websites that they blocked. Well you see, the VPN that I had stopped working. And when the VPN stopped working everything stopped working.

That means I couldn't text people on Kik or go on wattpad or anything. The only thing that worked that needed internet was this Spanish app and infinite campus. It was just bullshit.

So like this week I was in second period and I was telling my friends how my VPN stopped working and everything and they gave me the most wonder fullest advice ever.  They told me to delete betternet then restart the phone then go to the app store and download a new vpn.

So, I did. Therefore I can now respond to all of your comments and texts (only when I'm on school grounds) of I would ever get any. I mean like, I have to have at least one non classroom fan that wants to text me on Kik or here maybe email or something.

I'm just saying because I've been a lonely lonely person without internet. But luckily I've been using that time to type the Winter and Haru story on this new computer that I received. I'm up to chapter four and currently writing seven on the phone.


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