New Addiction

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July 10, 2016

*raises my hands in surrender style* ok so before you say anything, I'm not on drungs and alcohol. Its a good addiction not bad. Or...maybe it is bad but its good for me lol I don't know that's up to you to decide lol. Whoah... Two lols in the sane sentence. Wouldn't surprise me. So serious.

Anyways, my new addiction which I don't you'd like to hear about but I'm going to tell you anyways is a game. Its final fantasy VIII. That's eight by the way... ..... Sorry just dots all over the place I don't know what's wrong with me lol.

And what was it that brug me into my new addiction? It was my step dad. Which I guess was good because I started playing the game yesterday and he was there most if the time and he was telling me where to go and everything. But it was halarious because he was a little drunk and well....this is one of the things that happened.

Him: go left!

Me: I'm going left and I'm not moving! (Is irritated because he was telling me the wrong way to get out of the imfirmery)

Him: Move the other direction! No no not that way left... Move left... Why aren't you moving!!!

Me: Screw this I'm going the other way. *moves my character to the right and succeeds. Turns around to give him a shit eating grin.* that is called the left.

So that was freaking hilarious I mean it was amazing man. And I was just talking about how this would be like our father daughter bonding time. But then today my mom was being a beach like always and just idk..... Me and her don't mix for some reason I don't know.

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