What most people think about same sex relationships.

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Ok let me just make things clear to all of you. People who think that all same sex relationships, like for example girl x girl and guy x guy, is all about sex, you guys need to drink fucking bleach. I hate to say it but it's true.

People these days, I'm not pointing anyone out in particular, needs to get off our asses about same sex relationships. Yeah we know its against the fucking religion of what the hell you are but damn don't treat US like we don't know ourselves.

Another thing is that they think that same sex relationships is all about oral and anal and sisoring and etc. One just no. Hell no. Just because your with someone of the same sex doesn't mean it's all about sex.

Relationships aren't all about sex. In my opinion I think its nasty. And I'm preparing for the hate comments and shit like "oh you haven't met the right person" or "Your still growing" just no. I can have my own fucking opinion if I want to. I give no fucks what people say.

One of the last things is people think that it's a crime to not have sex without the same sex. Its like oh you can't be in a relationship and just not have sex. I'm just like what the hell. Kids my age and younger (15) already have sex. Child's it's not all about sex.

There are so many things in a relationship other then sex that you can live with. Life doesn't always need to involve intimitsy. (If I spell that word wrong correct me) we can still hold hands and kiss ocasionaly but spending time with each other like walking and going places...

If you guys only knew how to servive longer than a day with out electronics and hang out with someone you like there is so much fun things to do. Or maybe it's just me because I'm crazy, fun, and weird. And other shit.

Just please guys, please understand no matter what relationships, girlxgirl, guyxguy, guyxgirl, just know that there is much more to it then sex and touchy touchy feely feely shit.

I still love you all my beautiful potatos.

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