Unnecessary B.S.

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Hey guys today's topic was to long for the title page so I'll just tell you what it was originally going to be. Oh fuge I forgot the date.

July 6, 2016

Ok so the title is... Unnecessary  B.S. in my life that I receive for others benefits.

I know I had to do extraness with the font and bold and the italicized font and stuff. I think I spelled that right.. I don't know I'm just so full of rage because of things that are going on right now like its just crazy. I might turn this into my family rant bio or whatever because I honestly don't even know what this is anymore like I just write about random things. I might just title it something like (first name) randoms. Or something like that. And yes I had to put the parenthesis in there because I'm not ready to put my first government name out there so it's just like no.

Anyways what I was trying to say is that lately I've been receiving peoples bs that I don't even need. And it's not everyone's bs its my family's. Because I can't go to the places that I used to go to after the what my family and I like to call the "incident". And its not only that its also because I can't go anywhere with out my brother going.

Say for an example this past week I tried to go to my friends house for a little bit because I have no one to talk to at the house because no one really appreciates the happy vibe I give off. And I'm not talking about gay happy but like happy positive attitude happy. I don't freaken know why but it just happens.

Like I'll go outside when my mom and grandma are out there and not even before I'm fully out the door it's like BAM! rejection. And it's not from my Grandma because she's normally quiet when's she's out there with my mom but jeez that stuff hurts my feelings you know like I might be a misfit but damn I still have feels tho. Not a lot but I still have some. (I'll give you more about the whole misfit thing later)

But anyways for some stupid cunning reason my parents have been fighting and of course I hear something about divorce but that's nothing new because it's a common word in my family like when my mom or dad brings it up it never happens anyways. I mean like I'm waiting to the day when either or brings it up and it acctualy happens. Like I know it wrong for saying it but to me is true because when I say somehing is going to happen it normally happens unless something counters me. But in digoreces if I kelp fighting with the human and they bring up divorce I'll be like ok but don't come running your highny to me when you already had your chance. Unless the person is my future Waifu Cori *cough cough* sexy beast *cough cough* nobody will marrie her unless its me. Even thought we are not together we are going to get married one day. We already planned the wedding.

*clears throat* anyways like I've been saying before talking about my love for Bae. The bs at my house its just ridiculous and those of you who didn't know I have three siblings and one on the way. So after I do my daily routine I do my best to help them. And when I do my mom, step dad or grandma always almost always pulls bs on me. Like today I was helping with the kids while nanny was in the living room so she always says something about it being so hot in the house and whatever. So I'm doing my thing and she's talking to Faith saying get from behind the couch and so I say something to her and she starts beaching. So me being the captain of the ship obvious I told her that she has an attitude when I'm only trying to help and she notions that she only has an attitude towards me and told me to get out of her face and send me to me room.

So I went to my room for like two minutes and then came out of my room to ask my mom to see if I could go to my friends house because I know she listens to me rant about my family life because her and I are like sisters. I received nothing but the silent treatment...

So I'm just sitting outside in the back yard on the fourwheeler that bae and I were on back in the day and writing this with my crap keyboard that's acting up on my phone. Goodbye beautiful potato's see you soon. Comment on topics you'd like me to talk about other than intercourse. Farewell.

~ Winter Yuki ಠ_ಠ

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