I'm so Old!!

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Hey guys! Long time to see right? I don't know lol. Anyways My birthday is tomorrow, April 16th, and yeah.

I'm getting old guys. Like seriously. I'm going to be 15 tomorrow and I'm just like ug. I'm getting old. So anyways I was in my I believe seminar class at my school which is like a 45 minute class at the end of the day I guess after my 80 minute class periods but yeah. I have four of those 80 minute classes and I'm like "Yay high school..." <--And I say that with extreme sarcasm. Any who, so I was in class I believe Tuesday or Wednesday of this week and I decided to say, "I'm turning fifteen this Saturday. Gosh I'm getting old."

Because I said that, it leaded the entire classroom with the remaining people in the room about how old we were and what is considered old and older.

So it turns out that fifteen is being old and this one kid which is like I don't know maybe 16 I think, I have no idea, but it was some where around that area, and we called him an old man. And so my teacher asked us, "If you guys are considered old then what does that make me?" And I couldn't stop laughing because one of the other guys said "Ancient." and I couldn't help but laugh when they said that.
Hehe anyways it's like what the 4/20 but now yeah love you all.

Winter's 2016 BioWhere stories live. Discover now