.....Awakening The Ninja.....

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July 7th, 2016

LocationWinters house.

Time: 12:24 A.M

Situation: Weekly video game play schedule was shorten on time. Turning the schedule into 9-12 Am game play. Noticed I was 10 minutes over time into game play and was saving game. Hears step dad distinctive walk and clearing of the throat. Realizes that if he sees me playing the game past midnight I'll be hearing him beach in the morning about it.

Solution: Quickly and quietly rushed the saving process mentally so I wouldn't get caught and loose my data. While hearing him rummage through the fridge in the kitchen, I stealthy shut down the PlayStation and turn off the TV. Hearing him slowly walking to the island I lay the flashing Rock Candy controller against the couch to resolve the blinking from being noticeable. Foolishly forgetting the empty grape soda evidence and not having enough time to act, I grab my phone and steathly stalk into the den where my grandma is sleeping. I crawl onto all fours letting the inner animal ninja inside if me be hidden from my step dad and grandma. Long, intense minutes pass as I waited for my step dad to leave. Quickly coming out of hiding with my phone I quietly grab the controller from the floor and place it on the shelf. I grab my empty grape soda can and begin walking to my room. Hearing Jr starting to cry in bed from his foolish father waking him up I freeze and slowly takes steps back as I see my mother enter the kitchen. Without sound I dash through the hallway and into my room not closing the door suspecting that I am the culprit for waking up my brother. I roll on the floor silently on the soft blanket that was placed on the ground and behind the door. Knowing that my mother has entered there room I slide things out if view quietly. I allow 10 minutes to pass as I silently finish a chapter in a book I was reading. I quickly shut the door and place myself on my bed as I contract the hiccups and write this.

~Winter Yuki (●__●)

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