What happened lol?

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Sooo hehe, if you guys haven't noticed It looked like I've been super depressed in this little bio thingie or whatever and and I'm just like woah. Ok so like no joke at 23:31pm (In my time) I was reading over this blog and I noticed some serious things and I was asking myself so many questions.

1. Why did I cus so much?

I honestly don't know why but I didn't noticed it until I kept reading into the second part of this lol but I'm just like, "Man, I must have been down in the dumps or about to kill someone."
2. The hell was wrong with me?

So I also realized how super depressed I sounded which is also another wtf (what the f***) moment. Just jeez was I really that depressed. I feel bad for the readers I really do.

Anyways completely of topic but I'm going to have a little section in here which is going to be knew but it's going to be about the highlights of playing dnd (Dungeons and Dragons) with my friends at school. Seriously guys that game is hilarious I can't wait to update again.

I also have been noticing that also. How like I just stoped posting for the longest time which was just insainly ridiculous but hey at least I'm doing it again lol.

But don't worry for those who read the WinterxCJ (The world against us) and The legend of Icegfang don't worry because I'll have those two things updated as well.

As of you who read this the questions are still able to be asked and whatnot. But I really do think this new happy (so far) non-depressed section of this part of the biography or what ever thing will make you giggle, smile, laugh or whatever.


Winter's 2016 BioWhere stories live. Discover now