Writers Block

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27 September 2016

Hi peeps. So obviously you know what I'm going to talk about. Well... Not talk about but like discuss on a visual screen. You know what I mean. Anyways yes. If your wondering why I haven't been updating Saving Harmony or this, is because I have some serious writers block.

I don't know what it is but something is keeping me from being my normal writing and fangirling over the cliché romantic moments in the book I'm writing. Is it school? I don't know. Is it people? Possibly. Do I just absolutely positively don't know why I'm updating? Yes. It is officially official. I have writers block.

Its not Because of the internet scandle because I have ways now. It's just that I don't know why I'm.no writing. Maybe I'm just lacking motivation or inspiration. Maybe I'm just "down in the dumps" (quote from one of my senpai's) I just don't know why I'm not writing.

Buuuuuut do not fear. I will not have this for long. In fact I'm still writing but not in here. I'm writing in this spiral notebook for Saving Harmony. I'm just going to let you know now. Chapter I believe six is done. The next chapter that's supposed to be in Harus point of view.

Let me tell you that chapter wasn't easy. It's at 6137 words and I'm only a quarter into the chapter foe editing. But don't worry. I'll be up soon. As with chapter seven. I have good good things planned for chapter seven and eight. But I'm talking to much about the book so I'll make a new segment on that right now so I can talk to you guys. Or galls. My readers. My beautiful potatoes.


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