Salty Over A 100

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Jesus I had to do like a million things before my key board started working again.

Ok so like always the title says what  going to be talking about and this time its salty people. Really jelly salty people that get salty because someone else got a one hundred on a computer quiz without cheating. I was that person that recieved salt from others because I got that one hundred without cheating.

I will be honest it's kind of my fault to receive a lot of salt because the way I sort of signaled it to everyone else. I clicked the save now button and when I seen the 100% I sort of did a over exaggerated gasp and leaned back in my desk. Then this one person was like "y'all she got a one hundred" then I was having people stare at me and asking me to do there test for them and give them answers it just pissed me off.

It's like I'm sorry I'm not going to help you cheat on your test. Its not my fault that you don't pay attention in class. Besides I wouldn't have gotten a 100% on my test anyways if I didn't check it twice. I'm glad I did though because I would have probably gotten a B or something. Buuuuut I got an A though!

But you see here's my thing, just because someone has a perfect score doesn't mean you can just expect them yo give you the answers. Not only that but don't say hey fucking cheated unless you seen them cheat. The only thing is that I did was go through the test twice to catch my mistakes. Just because I didn't cheat doesn't mean that you had to dive into the ocean with an open mouth and come back out to spread your saltyness.

I'm proud to get that 100% because I earned the hard way. So nuh! Jelly salty people.

~Winter Yuki (҂⌣̀_⌣́)

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