Making Promises to Others

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Alright guys. So apparently this was only supposed to be that one hater letter when I was in my feelings but then I came across this picture so I decided, why not talk about it. So here I go.

A lot of people in my life has given me the tremendous pressure of making sure that I make them happy all day everyday and expect me not to screw up our friendship or what ever human relations we had. And no this isn't including sex. Get you mind out of the gutter guys I mean seriously.

Alright so anyways continuing on, you just can't tell someone that you'll always be there for them. And if you do... Well, I CALL BULLSHIT! And trust me I experienced it first hand. You have to realize that if you say, "I promise I'll always be there for you and make you happy." that your going to do the exact opposite every single second of the day.

Now I know what your thinking, "Why is this bitch all ways so fucking literal and technical about her reasons and specific sayings?" Well I have your answer. Because well, you see you just can't think lightly and not think technical or logical in things. I mean hell, Romeo kept saying to himself that Juliet had all this color in her face when she was in the cofen playing dead. He said this numerous times and didn't even think literal or anything.

All he did was just drink the potion even though Juliet looked real and alive like sleeping beauty. You know that your not going to be there for someone every single second of the day so why make a promise on something to someone when you know your going to break it.

For example, say you say this to your girlfriend and one day she desperately needed you and you're 1,000 miles away from each other because you in a different states. Now she messaged you at 1:30pm saying that she needs help and she's highly considering suicide due to the new pills she has. Now you get this message at 4:56pm from her parents saying that she OD (over dose). Well let me ask you a question. Were you there when she OD? No. Where you there when she said she needed you? No.

Well ok then. The point is that if your going to tell someone your always be there for them when you know that you illogically can't then don't say it to them. Say a more like.. "I'll try my absolute best to be there for you at all times." Now that seems more accurate.

I Will talk about happiness in part two. Bye bye guys. Don't forget to follow or comment or vote or share with friends. Love you all.

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