Resurrection of Phone

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June 22, 2016

Hello my beautiful potatoes. As you can tell I doubt today will be the day that I update. Just like all the other days. I'm continuously fighting with my parents to let me go to the library to update and talk to my friends. But now I'm just as convinced to ask my mother to take me to McDonald's to use there free useless WiFi. Anyways along with today's topic this is what happened. *sneezes* I don't know why I've been sneezing. Like I'm not even sick. Anyways here we go.

So a little bit before this incident with the phone my grandma, both brothers, and my sis and I were all on the river walk that we have here in Columbus. (Georgia) also If I didn't mention this before in this bio, I'm the eldest so basically everyone is younger than me. Besides the old people in my family.

Yeah that disrespect game was real. So basically when we returned from our two mile maybe three mile walk we came home. Of course I called dibs on the bathroom because I had to like you know do what I had to do. Normally I would be blunt but then again I really don't know any of you guys and most of you who read this will be like ewwww gross tmi.

But anyways I go into the bathroom and I had completely forgot that the phone was in my back pocket. So when I'm about to do my thing I hear a splashy plump noise. I can't really explain it but it's like plump or something. Idk. I was going to put it in like a really wrong way but then I decided that it wouldn't be the best idea. Cause like ya know some of you would be like "Ewww groudy don't tell us things like that!"  some of you. Most of my friends are used bluntness.

Anyways continuing on with the story the realization hit me automatically when I heard that weird sound. So I ignore the inner girly voice inside of my and reach into the toilet and grab my phone out. Lets just say unless I drop my phone which in this case wouldn't really be a good idea sense I already dropped it into the toilet the back of the thing won't come off. To me honest I don't know what it's called I guess the case or something like that or the "thing that's outside of the battery" that's what I always called it. Any who I was struggling to get the damn thing off and I ripped out my battery and started drying it and everything in the phone. I gave two shits about the case and left it on the counter. But after I flung out all of  the water that was stuck in the screen that I could managed I shoved my battery back In there. So I casually turned the phone on and all it did was buzz.

Then I had the sudden realisation that my life was practically over. Since my mother wouldn't give me my shit computer that they got from the pawn shop I had no way to write or copy the loves sorrow book that I had online. And not only that I was reading this amazing story called readers the thirteenth brothers or something like that.  And to be honest it actually caught my attention which was a rare on wattpad since I mostly see bios and Jeff the killer fanfic. Which is mostly the same.

I'm actually tempted to write about simulatitys honestly. But anyways I leave it in my room on charge with out the case and just cooled off. Then I made a bold face lie and said that my sibling threw it in the toilet sinc that's what they did to my parents phones. So why not make it a repeate. So after my grandma a bitching how the phone better not be broken I went back to my room to check on the phone.

Thanfully I saw a dim track phone screen to I decided to smack it. It brightened thank God's and I just saw this blotch of water on my screen that was stuck behind it. So I was happy with my life. Then after waiting in the Sun for the water to evaporate I took it back inside. It still had that little blotch going on but I didn't really complain since it got smaller. So here I am (June 23, 2016) with my phone completely blotchless.

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