Happy Mothers Day

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Hey guys. Of course I hope most of you know that today is mother's day. Well since I don't live with my family anymore and it's just my grandma and I, I totaly forgot about it.

Well I really didn't forget I just didn't remember. Or I just didn't know... I don't know lol. But seeming that I don't know all of you personally even though I never get comments *cough* comment bellow *Cough* I just decided that all of you decides a happy mother's day.

But to be honest being a mother isn't just about having children... Well at least in my case because I'm a loner and before I moved I had cats... Like...I don't know..There's Misty that we had to give up, Smoky which was a blue Russian that disappeared-even though we know he was kidnapped- there's the oldest that recently died this chrismas eve who's name is Mistic she was a black tabby. There's One of my favorites Albany which whole name is Abandon Symphony Herring I raised him since he was a kit. There's Spunky which my mother named who we chose from a litter that our uncles cat had then there's my other favorite Snow bell who is all white with blue eyes who I stole from my uncles litter.

Well see I didn't steel him my step dad said I couldn't keep him so I told my mom I'll take him home for a sleep over since my uncles son was going to stay the night with my bro to play so ya. Been with us ever since. But after I move Spunky got pregnant and had a littler to heray I'm a grandma whoop whoop! And Snowbell and Albany went to the gas station that gives cat food out and got fat. Honestly I'm happy that Snowbell went with Albany because I know Albany isn't more of a kitty pet and adapts better unlike Snowbell who is more of a kitty pet then anything. Anyways guys happy mother's day and for my male readers fucking deal with it.

Have a nice day guys. Comment bellow what you would like me to talk about you next.

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