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Today, was the worst day I could ask for. The bridge to my violin broke. Leaving me helpless and running to the music shop I'm the town. I didn't care about the money or when I get in trouble I just wanted it fixed.

It broke because I was tuning it. And yes I know how to tune my own violin. I asked them why did it happen and they said because it was old. Well, because it's old I have to wait until Monday after school to pick it up.

What makes things even worse is that I have my chamber auditions Monday. Which is bad. Because:
A.) I don't know how Mr. Stevens will react.
B.) I don't know if I'll make it into chamber.
C.) He could make me use someone else's violin and cause me to epicaly fail the auditions because using someone else's violin is weird.

Or the only good thing that would happen would be he understands my problem and shuns me and let me audition Wensday.

Or, I could just skip school. But honestly I don't because I have cp apps and PD which I'm looking forward too and also math. I got to make up that 93% I got on my test.

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