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  "Mum wake up wake up. The train leaves in exactly 2 hours" I smile shaking my mum awake 

 "Louise the station is a 10 minute drive, we got plenty of time" 

 "I can't miss the train" I smile and run off to my room to make sure everything is packed. I look under my pillow and pull out my photo album and place it in my bag. 

 I should introduce myself, I'm Louise Matilda Snape. I'm about to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to which I'm very excited for. My father is a professor at the school although I haven't seen him in over 5 years and I miss him so much it hurts. I don't know why he left, mum won't tell me but I hope to find out myself. I forgot to mention the fact mum won't even have a photo of him in the house unless it's in my room where she has no control over or is in a box in the garage. I assume they had a bad break up, well I hope it was that and nothing extremely bad.  She didn't want me going to Hogwarts because of the fact Dad will be there and she tried so hard to get me to go to Ilvermorny, I will admit it was tempting to go to America for school as I've always wanted to go there but my Dad is more important and I want no need to see him again. 

 "Fonso come on we're leaving" I yell, a few seconds later my pet cat comes downstairs and walks straight into his travel basket. 


 "So we just walk through the wall?" I ask looking at the wall 

 "Yes, I'll be straight after you" mum smiles reassuringly 

I take a deep breath preparing myself for if it doesn't work, but that was wasteful as I ended up going straight through the wall,

"See told you" Mum laughs 

 "You do know I will see Dad a lot right?" 

"Yes, that's if he remembers you" she mumbles the last part 

"I heard that, the surname at sorting will get his attention" I hug her and say bye then I get onto the train, why must she always say things like that? Was it a bad breakup or something? I will find out sooner or later. 

I walk down looking for somewhere to sit but there is so many people here. Eventually I stop where 2 boys and a girl are sat. "Excuse me, can I sit here?" 

 "Sure, I'm Harry" 

 "I'm Louise" I smile sitting down 

 "I'm Ron" 

 "And I'm Hermione" 

 "Nice to meet you" 

 "I wonder what houses we'll be sorted into" Harry speaks 

 "I heard it could go by if your parents came here, so I'm stuck between Gryffindor and Slytherin" I reply 

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now