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I look in the mirror and smile

"You look amazing"

I turn around and stare at Hermione wide-eyed "No, you're the one that looks amazing. That dress is so beautiful"

"Thank you"

"So can I please know who your date is? You know mine and I have been waiting since forever to find out yours"

"Fine, It's Krum"


"Shhh, yes it is"

"But that means you have to do the first entrance and dance. It's traditional"

"I know" She smiles

"Wow, well congratulations I guess"

"Thanks, good luck with Fred too" She winks and walks off to finish styling her hair.

I take one last look in the mirror and go downstairs where I find Fred stood around waiting.

"You took ya time woman" He smirks

"I was talking to Hermione, besides whilst you were waiting you could've been sorting your bowtie out" I chuckle as I undo his horrid job and redo it properly

"You look beautiful by the way" He smiles

"Thank you, you look great, much better than Ron's robes" I chuckle

We make our way to the great hall hand in hand.

Time Skip

The song finishes so me and Fred go back to join everyone else, I take a sip of my drink and look for Dad. He's just stood there looking uncomfortable as ever whilst the majority of teachers are dancing. I frown and put my drink down "I'll be back soon"

Everyone nods ok so I make my way over to dad. He looks at me as I stop in front of him and I see a tiny weeny smile on that face of his.

"Care to dance?" I smile holding my hand out

"What?" He asks

I roll my eyes and stare at him as he looks between my face and hand "omg take it, I look like an idiot about to be rejected"

He smirks and takes it "finally"

"You should count yourself lucky"

"Well it would be a waste for those nice dress robes to be wasted"

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now