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I wake up seeing the room is practically empty, I sit up and find Dad currently walking over to me. 

"Where is everyone? I wasn't asleep that long was I?"

"Only 2 days"

"2 days! How?"

"I made Madame Pomfrey give you a stronger sleeping potion"


"So you wouldn't have gotten yourself nearly killed like those 3 friends of yours did"

"Are they ok? What happened?" I ask as I feel the panic rise inside me

"They're fine, Potter thought it would be a fun idea to go to the third floor and to try and retrieve the Philosopher stone"

"But Quirrell he -"

"Is dead" Dad interrupts 


"Turns out the voice you heard was you know who, he was on the back of Quirrell's head controlling him"

I burst out laughing 

"This isn't funny Louise"

"No, at Christmas time. Fred and George threw snowballs at his turban, they were hitting you know who in the face" I explain as I start laughing again thinking about it. 

Dad smirks a little bit then helps me out of bed "You need to be in the hall, it's the final feast" 

Great Hall

"Louise, you're back." Harry smiles once I've sat down 

"How are you feeling? We heard what happened with the stairs"Fred asks as he hugs me 

"I feel fine, what happened with you three?" I ask looking at Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Well Ron was amazing, there was a real-life size wizards chess room where we had to play our way across. He sacrificed himself which was very brave of him" Hermione smiles 

Aww, she has a crush on Ron. I just know it. 

Harry goes on to explain more of what happened but Dumbledore stands up to start doing the house cup. I bet we came last. 

"In fourth place; Gryffindor with 312 points"

See told you so. Better luck next year. 

"Third place; Hufflepuff with 352 points. Second Place Ravenclaw with 426 points. And in first place  with 472 points Slytherin house"

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now