41 ~ 5th Year

393 6 4

"Dad, can't I write to Harry now? He's probably going out of his mind thinking he's getting kicked out of Hogwarts"

"No Louise you can't write to him. I can assure you that he will be fine. Now, are you all packed?"

"Yes, where are we even going?"

" Grimmauld Place"

"And where is that? What is even is it?"

"It's headquarters"


"The order of the Pheonix"

"omg and that is what exactly?

"It was a secret society Dumbledore created to defeat you know who. It's back up and running again"

"So there will be another war?"

"Most likely"

I guess he sensed my panic as he walks over and hugs me "But not anytime soon so don't worry"

"This is getting serious though"

"I know that but I promise you it will be ok"

"So who is in this society"

"Black, Lupin, Weasleys, Tonks, a few others"



"So they will be at  Grimmauld Place as well?"

"Yes, you can see Fred. Now we must go because some of them will be getting Harry and I'm late for the meeting"

I nod ok making sure I got everything and we leave. Molly instructs me on which room is mine so I take my things there and making sure Fonso is all settled in before I go and find everyone else.

I walk around the dark creepy corridors trying to find everyone but no luck.

"You're here" The twins speak as they appear out of nowhere

"Jesus Christ. I could've died of a heart attack" I complain as I hold my chest for dramatic effect. "I forgot you guys are 17 now"

"It's great, summer has been so much fun now we're allowed to do magic" George speaks as we walk down the corridor.

We enter a bedroom where everyone else is as apparently the Order is having a meeting so we have to stay upstairs as we're too young to be involved in it. You'd think Harry would be allowed seeing as this is about him after all.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now