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"Louise com and tidy your bedroom now. It's a mess" Mum speaks whilst walking into the room

I don't hear her as I'm too busy stuffing my face whilst watching Full House. 

"Louise tidy your room" 

I look up at Mum as she's now stood in front of the tv 

"Oh, here you go" I reply passing her my socks that are on the arm of the chair 

"What? I said to tidy your room not pass your socks for the washing"

Oh...oops. Think Louise and fast she passes the socks back and I remember something I read at Hogwarts about the house elves. 

"Master has given Louise a sock, Louise is free" I smile getting up and running out the house. 

When I reach the bus stop there's a bus there wow that was good timing. I hop on the bus and get off once I'm in town, I remember Dad said he lives 2 towns away but I can't be bothered for that effort with all the buses so I get a taxi.

"Dad?" I yell as I close the door behind me 

"Louise? What are you doing here? You were meant to arrive tomorrow"

"Oh I sort of ran out after pretending to be a house elf who just got set free" 

"What do you mean?"

I walk into the kitchen telling him what happened as he follows listening and I make myself a sandwich. 

"Do you ever stop eating child?" 

"What? I'm hungry" I speak whilst eating. When I finish my piece I carry on "I think the Weasleys might be to blame" 

"Probably, anyway that was amusing but bad Louise. You should tidy your room" 

"I will when I go back, you got a tv yet?" 


"You're so old-fashioned and boring Dad" 

"You better write to your mother saying where you are"

"Why write when you can call?" I smirk taking my phone out

"Muggles" he mutters under his breath walking out of the room, I chuckle and ring mum telling her where I am and that I'm safe. She says ok and said I need to tidy my room as soon as I come home so that's good, I got two weeks until I have to tidy it. 

"Dad lets buy a tv, please" 


Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now