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I write down yet more notes about vampires, is he a vampire himself or something with how he always talks about them. Yes I'm currently sat in DADA and Quirrel is yet again stuttering his way through the class about vampires, he's scared of his own shadow yet he's teaching us how to defend ourselves against the dark arts, oh sorry I mean against Vampires. Dad has an interest in the topic and apparently has tried many times to be the DADA teacher so I wonder if he can teach me it cause so far I have learnt absolutely nothing.

"Louise are you staying for Christmas?"  Ron asks

"I was going to go home but I'm going to get Dad to teach me about this lesson so I can actually learn something other than vampires. So yes I will be staying here, who else is?"

"Harry and my brothers" 

I smile and nod ok then the lesson is finally over, meaning it's now lunch time. Yay food, no I'm not like Ron I'm just super hungry as I skipped Breakfast. We get the hall and I'm about to ask why Ron asked about Christmas seeing as it's only now October but my question gets answered when McGonagalle comes around with the sheet for those staying to sign. Once I have finished eating I look at Dad and mouth his classroom then he nods so I get up and leave. 

I enter the empty classroom and look around at the potions that's on the shelves, I hear a noise and turn around to see Dad entering so I go and take a seat on his desk. 

"What can I help you with Louise?"

"You're staying here for Christmas correct?" 

"That is correct, and you?" He asks taking a seat

"Well I was going to go home but my friends are staying but also you don't have lessons meaning you will have a lot of free time. I'm staying so you can teach me Quirrells lessons cause he's useless and always talks about vampires"

"That's something I can arrange"

I smile and look around the classroom stopping on the pile of papers next to me, Draco Malfoy is on the top so that means it's my class. 

"Ooohhh grades, what did I get" I smile looking through for mine

Dad stops me moving the pile immediately "You can't see other students grades, you did good. Joint top with Granger" He says handing me mine

I smile and hand it back once I've looked at it "that's great and even better I can't have points taken off me for being late as I'm early"

He smirks and looks the time "38 minutes early"

"38 minutes for you to spend quality time with your little princess" I smile 

"Get your book out, we'll start these lessons" 

I nod ok and take a seat on the closest desk and he goes through the basic stuff which we have enough time to start on. By the time the actual potions lesson is due to start I have moved back to my regular seat and now explaining the basics to Harry and Ron, Hermione of course has already taught herself  by spending way too much time in the library.

The rest of the day goes by pretty fast with not much happening. I just want winter to hurry up as I hear Hogwarts is beautiful in the snow and I want to beat the twins in a snowball fight, I have a prank to help me hopefully.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now