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"Yeah I rather you than me" Harry says to Ron as they make their way back to me and Hermonie

Fred and George come running in cheering and everyone claps cheering them on.

"Oh god, what have they done now" I mutter standing up

"Cheat the age line" Hermonie replies

"Well lads we did it"

"Cooked it up just this morning"

"It's not going to work" Hermonie speaks up as she's remained seated

The twins immediately go over and kneel down by her

"Oh yeah" Fred starts

"and whys that Granger?" George finishes

"You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself" she speaks whilst moving her hand gesture to the age line

"So" Fred replies earning a huff and a book slam off Hermonie in return"it won't work" I say to Harry and Ron

"Of course not, but it'll be funny to watch them have to get in trouble or something again" Ron smirks

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George?"

"Bottoms up" they both speak as they drink the potion then jump into over the age line

"Yeah" they say in sync as everyone cheers as nothing happens. They do this again alone with a high five when furthermore nothing happens after putting their names into the goblet.

That was until their names are thrown back out at them causing them to fly backward. When they sit up they're now old, not a ginger strand of hair in sight.

"You said"

"You said"

Then they start fighting, as everyone cheers them on Hermonie goes back to reading her book and I put a spell on them making them back to looking like their present selves.

"Your mother is going to send you yet again another howler when she finds out about this" I mutter helping Fred up

"She has given up on sending us howlers seeing as we never listen" George laughs

"We don't have time to try another potion" Fred complains as we all leave the Great Hall.

Honestly, those two are a nightmare on times.

Time Skip

Dumbledore dims the room as everyone is silent for the champion selection. The flame from the goblet turns red then a piece of parchment flys out which Dumbledore catches

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum"

"Of course it's him" Seamus mutters

"The champion for Beauxbations is Fleur Delacour"

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory"

"A Hufflepuff? Wow" I speak whilst clapping

During Dumbledore's mini patriotic speech about one going down in history and basically how great this championship is the Triwizard cup is revealed which I must admit looks great but that isn't the most important thing to happen during this speech. It's the goblet.

"The flame from the goblet is different" I whisper to everyone around me

"No it isn't don't be silly" Ron replies

I see Dad stepping forward looking towards the goblet which then starts to make a noise catching everyone's attention. A piece of parchment flies out quite aggressively

"See told you" I speak to Ron

Dumbledore takes the parchment then the next thing he's looking around the classroom


"Go on Harry, Harry for goodness sake" Hermione speaks whilst pushing Harry up

"He's a cheat"

"He's not even 17 yet"

"What's going on? I don't get it. Harry didn't put his name in the goblet. He isn't that stupid. Besides, the twins aged themselves by 60 years and their names didn't stay in the goblet." I speak as we everybody start to leave the great hall

"There can't be 4 champions" Hermione replies

Ron walks off without saying a word if he believes that Harry did it I'm gonna murder him I swear.

I know Harry would never do it, so someone did it to stitch him up. But who?

So much for this year being no trouble with Harry.

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