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I sit in front of the fire and burst out crying, only to immediately be hugged by a certain Mr Fred Weasley

"Hey don't cry" he whispers softly

"I can't take it anymore Freddie"

He wipes my eyes but at the same time, his eyes are looking at my lap. He pulls my sleeve up and his mouth forms into an o shape

"I wasn't looking where I was walking and ended up walking into her"

"No one hurts my Louise and get away with it, she's gone too Far with this punishment" he kisses my forehead and stands up

"I'll be back soon"

And with that, he's out the common room. My Louise? N'awh how cute

A letter landing on my lap brings me out of my thoughts

'Come and see me at my chambers immediately - Dad'

Dads chambers

As soon as I enter he drags me to the kitchen table sitting me down and he pulls my sleeve up

"I must not attack teachers" he read out loud "you attacked a teacher!" He yells at me

"No! I wasn't looking where I was walking and I bumped into her"

"Why didn't you come here? I told you to always come here" he speaks in a kinder tone as he grabs his wand

"I didn't think you wanted to see me" I quietly answer, obviously he would've heard me cause he hears everything

He heals the wound then just simply send me on my way.

"Miss Louise, you've grown so much"

I look around and eventually see a house elf looking up at me smiling

"Do I know you?"

He nods yes and points to a picture, it's of me when I was little and this elf but after a few seconds it starts moving. He puts his fingers on the side of his ears and pokes his tongue out causing me to laugh hysterically

I look at him and smile "Dobby?"


I kneel down and hug him

"Miss Louise don't be upset by your father's actions or words. He does love you"

"He can never show it for long though" I sigh

"He's regularly looking at the photos of you, he always smiles when he looks at them"

I smile and stand up then I make my way back to the common room. Fred was waiting for me which I was grateful for, I was still upset over everything today which meant I was going to sleep with Fred tonight.

Thankfully it's only George and Lee in their room so they're fine with me sleeping there, even if they weren't I would still sleep there because sleeping ion Fred's arms is always 100x better than sleeping alone.

Sleeping in the arms of your partner is the most safest feeling ever, one I never want to lose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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