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"When it comes to the dark arts I believe in a more practical approach" Professor Moody speaks

I turn my head and look at Hermione who does the same to me. This isn't going to be a good lesson that's for sure.

He went on to ask about the unforgivable curses, this definitely isn't going to be good.

He managed to find out about Seamus and his chewing gum which resulted in Moody throwing some chalk at him. Now I can see why people call him Mad-eye Moody.

He gets Ron to stand up and ask him about one of the curses, he then brought up about Arthur and some trouble a few years ago. I'm sorry but what was the point in doing that?

He only then goes and gets a spider and uses the Imperius curse. This is so wrong. Yes, it's funny when it landed on Malfoy but this is the lightest of the 3 courses. If he's testing this on the spider that means the other two curses will also be tested.

"I don't like this" I speak to Hermione

"Me too"

Neville stands up and I mentally cringe. The torture curse is what was used on his parents.

"Stop it, can't you see it's bothering him. Stop it" Hermione speaks up which causes Moody to place the spider on our desk asking Hermione to say the final curse.

Nope, I am out of here.

I stand up and walk over to Neville and I take a hold of Neville's arm. "Come on" I whisper

He slowly nods and walks with me. I grab my bag and look at Seamus "bring his stuff with you when we leave"


We get outside and I walk him to an empty classroom nearby. "Are you ok?"

"Y..y...yeah" he stutters

I look in my bag and pull out my bottle of water "here, have some of this"

"Thanks" he takes the bottle and has some of it.

"I know how you feel you know, well not fully but I still understand your pain"

"You do?"

"Yeah, mum had that curse on her before she was in the hospital. Of course, it wasn't merely as much as your parents. They're very brave people you know, true Gryffindors. I think if it was me I would've given in but they didn't, they took the pain."

"Is it wrong that I wished they died instead? They would've been gone I know but they are still suffering, they don't even know who I am"

"I don't think it's wrong, it's harder because they're still alive and it's even harder because they don't know you which must hurt a lot. I promise Neville that someone will find a cure, they will remember you one day"

"I hope so"

"Have faith and trust, oh and hope. It will happen"

We stay in the class talking about nice things to help him calm down and get back to normal before we make our way back to the common room.

"Are you ok Neville?" Hermione asks

"Yeah" Neville replies as he takes his things from Seamus and sits down on the nearest chair

"Now I know why they say he's mad" I speak

"Dumbledore can't of agreed to that surely?" Harry replies

"He can't of sur-"


"What the hell are they doing?" I ask cutting myself off after seeing the twins in the corner of the room hiding something

"They're trying to make a drink to cheat the age line" Ron replies

"oh hell no" I get up walking over and squeezing myself between them.

"NO, What are you doing?" George asks when I pour everything into the cauldron

"You're not entering the competition. You're under 17. End of discussion"

I pick up the cauldron and walks off out the room to dispose of it all.

"Louise please don't" Fred speaks following me

"No Fred, you're not entering. It's dangerous hence why they finally put an age restriction on it"

"We may not even get picked"

"And what if you do huh?" I snap turning around to face him

"What if you get picked then you're stuck doing the tasks where you will come out injured or not come out at all because you're dead!"

"I won't. I'm not stupid"

I burst out laughing and continue my journey

"Internal glory Louise" Fred calls, not following me

"Internal, no one else would know. External is much better but you don't get that" I call back before turning the corner.

I know they will ignore me and still find a way but I will feel better knowing I'm doing this and at least I tried to stop it.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now