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"Where's Professor Lupin? He's never late to class" I speak as I look around the room

"I don't know" Hermione responds also looking around the room

We hear the door open so I look at the back of the class seeing Dad making his dramatic entrance and using his wand to close all the blinds of the windows making the room dark. 

"Turn to page 394" He announces turning to face us all 

"We're meant to be on page 216" I quietly comment

"Excuse me sir, where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asks 

"That's not really your concern is it Potter?"

He then mentions something about Lupin not being capable to teach at the moment and yet again announces us to turn to page 394. 

"Werewolves?" Ron questions 

Hermione states what we're meant to be learning, here we go again. This won't end well and as a result, Dad will be petty and take points for Hermione being smart. 

"That is the second time you have spoken out of term Miss Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being insufferable know it all?"

"He's got a point you know" Ron whispers 

"Shut up Ron" I whisper-yell back to him

"5 points from Gryffindor" 

See, told you he'd be petty. 

The lesson finally comes to an end which I'm glad about as Dad teaching a class he doesn't actually teach is horrible. You'd think that he would be good at it seeing as he's always wanted this post. 

"Sir, it's Quidditch tomorrow" Harry announces once Dad has explained the homework

"Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr Potter, lost of limbs will not be excused. Page 394" Dad speaks as he is practically up in Harry's face

"We get it, page 394. No need to say it for the 3rd time. We are all on page 394"

Dad immediately appears stood in front of my desk glaring at me "Don't get smart with me Louise Matilda Snape" 

I smile sweetly at him and make a start on writing my notes as he walks away talking about werewolves.

Next Day

"For people who have magical abilities you're all so bloody dumb" I mutter as I use my wand to create an umbrella 

It's very windy today resulting in people losing their umbrellas whereas mine which is created by magic hasn't moved an inch in the wind. 

It's a Quidditch match today but the weather is very bad I thought they would've cancelled it but no the match is going ahead. If I get a cold I'm going to be so annoyed. 

"Now surely they must cancel the match, that broomstick is on fire" I comment watching someone fly past whilst the bottom of their broom is on fire

"Where's Harry going?" Ron shouts over the sounds of everyone chanting

I look up seeing Harry disappear out of sight, maybe he's found the snitch. 

Around 10 minutes later we're all stood there in silence. 

"Harry!" Hermione yells pointing at the sky

I look up seeing a falling figure who becomes clear and is in fact Harry. One of the Professors must've done a spell because he slows down and carefully lands on the ground. I push my way pass everyone and go down to the field where we take Harry to the hospital wing.

"He looks a bit peaky" Ron comments 

"Peaky? What do you expect, he fell over 100 feet" Fred comments 

"Yeah, let's throw you from the Astronomy tower" George adds 

"And see what you look like" Fred finishes 

"He'll probably look slightly better than what he does now" Harry comments waking up

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asks 

Hermione explains what happens whilst I remain standing close to Fred with my arm wrapped around his waist whilst his is around my shoulder keeping me warm.

"I need to go and do my homework about werewolves for Dad. He'll be mad if I don't get it done on time" I speak up after I realised I've been here for over an hour. 

Everyone nods ok and I say goodbye leaving them all to it. I get to the Library and open the book to page three hundred and bloody forty-nine. 

I haven't actually started this homework because personally, I don't think I should do it as it isn't something I'm meant to be learning about yet and it was set by a different Professor. Dad reminded us this morning in Potions about it where I realised he is deadly serious about it. 

This is going to be a long night. 

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