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"Hermonie why are you in here? We're meant to be having food"

"I've done a bad thing"

"Which is?"

She never got to answer as we heard a loud crashing sound, we both run into the nearest cubical. I stand on the toilet and look over the wall to find a troll entering the room.

"Please don't say you let a troll in" I say quietly whilst getting down

"No, god I'm not that stupid"

"What are we meant to do? How do we get rid of him?"

"Hermonie, Louise" Ron and Harry yell

"Harry you need to do the spell"

"Hey why him?" Ron complains

"I've seen you try magic, you're similar to Seamus Finnigan"

There's another crash from the troll which makes no one able to respond, I crawl under the next stall keeping my head covered as I do not fancy getting it knocked off by some flying wood.

Of course Harry's attempt to try and save us becomes a failed attempt.

"Looks like you got yourself in a pickle"

"Not the time Louise for jokes" Harry yells as the troll is holding him upside down in the air.

"Swish and Flick" Hermione says as show shows Ron how to do the spell.

"Remember not to say LevioSA"

"LOUISE!" Everyone yells at me

"Alright alright, sorry. I'll shut up" I mutter whilst putting my hands up in surrender.

Ron takes a deep breath and I watch in anticipation hoping he gets this right because if he doesn't Harry is gonna be knocked out by the Troll's giant stick, well it's probably just some part of a tree trunk as it's so big.

The troll falls to the floor then a few minutes naturally some staff members arrives at the scene, of course the ones who can help arrives afterwards.

"Return to the common room immediately" McGonagall says

we all walk off except Dad grabs hold of my arm

"What are you playing at!"

"I was looking for Hermione cause she wasn't at dinner. The troll just casually strolled on in"

"You could've died!"

"Like you care" I reply with my voice full of venom as I pull my arm from his grip and walk off.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now