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I take a seat inbetween the twins and start filling my plate up with food.

"Whats wrong?" George asks

"My oh so lovely father thought it would be nice to be a horrible person to me during lesson"

"We'll get him back for you" Fred smirks

"Pranking him?"

"Yep" they both smile at the same time

"Oohh change his hair, that will be the best. Please change his hair" I smile getting super excited

"What colour?"

"Green, no red. Wait not red cause that's my favourite colour so he'll know it's me. Purple, nah too dark. Oh, I know. Bubblegum Pink, yes Bubblegum pink or maybe Bubblegum Blue. Ugh I don't know out of the two" I frown

"We'll do both" George announces



"Thanks guys" I smile and hug them both


We got to the hall early so we can make sure we'll see Dad's hair, I pile my plate up and start to eat. After about 15 minutes everyone starts laughing so we look at the entrance and see Dad with half Bubblegum Blue and half Bubblegum Pink hair. I instantly spit my drink out as I start laughing, he walks down and glares at me and the twins then take his seat at the table.

"Teachers table is a bit bright at the end there" Fred laughs

I give them both a high five then we continue eating our food. I finish my second plate whilst the twins finish their fourth they fill their plate again, where do they put it all? I take another corn on the cob but as I'm about to put it on my plate Dad pulls me from my seat.

"Come on, my office"

"I was eating"

"Bring it with you" he snaps and walks off

I take the corn and follow after him. When we get to his office I start to eat this delicious piece of food.

"Change my hair back"


"Change it back to black"

"Hey, that's an album, Back to Black by Amy Winehouse. Good album"


"Muggle singer"

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now