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"Don't hate me but I need your help" Hermione tells me quietly 

"Why? What have you done?" 

"Made a potion I need you to check"

"What potion?"


"That takes like a month? Why did you do it?"

"To show Draco is the heir of Slytherin not Harry. We need to get into the Slytherin common room"

"Why wasn't I aware of it?"

"Your Dad would kill you if he found out. Also you're going home for Christmas so you won't be here"

"You're right. But I don't know the potion well so how am I meant to know if it's correct or not?"

"Well I was hoping you would've been friends with Snape again"

"Even if I was talking to Dad he would be suspicious of me asking him about it. But, I can sneak into his supply cupboard and see if there is some already made up so I can see it and compare it to yours" 

"Thank you"

"Give me until the end of the day"

Hermione nods ok and we walk to our class. How the hell am I meant to sneak into his supply closet? He probably has a password on it.

Time Skip


Nothing. I have tried a grand total of 7 words and still nothing.

"Think Louise" I mutter to myself, I hear a clicking sound and look towards the door. I go to open it and this time it actually opens. Why didn't I figure out it would be the same as his chambers.

I go inside closing the door behind me and I look around at all the potions, there's loads. I know it's green so this is helpful. After a few minutes I spot a green filled bottle so I climb the ladder and pick up the bottle seeing the label confirming that it is in fact Polyjuice. I pour some into the vial I brought with me then I place the bottle back in it's place and make my way towards the bathroom Hermione said to go to.

"You look nervous" Ron comments when I arrive

"That's because I am, I had to make sure I didn't bump into Dad in one of the corridors" I reply taking a seat and then looking at the potion.

"Yeah it's fine" I reply after looking at the two potions

Hermione nods ok and then pours some of it into three different cups. I stand back up and back away a little. They all add the hair then drink the potion.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now