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On the night of Christmas Eve, there is going to be a ball, apparently, it's a tradition for the Triwizard tournament. It's a dance which explains the room being divided by boys and girls.

"So dad is teaching the Slytherins how to dance" I whisper to Hermione whilst laughing 

"Mr Weasley, will you join me please" McGonagall speaks holding her hand out to Ron

Oh, this is going to be good. He looks so uncomfortable but this has honestly made my day.

wait a second, they have started to dance so scrap that. This has made my week.

McGonagall then tells us to all stand-up and find a dance partner.

I look around but I notice Fred have already started dancing with Angelina.

"Miss Louise Snape, would you do me, the most handsome Weasley boy the honor of dancing with him?" George asks holding his arm out

"You may" I chuckle taking hold of his arm

Throughout the entire dance session though I couldn't stop looking at the other Weasley boy, and no not Ron. I kept staring at Fred without making it obvious. He's never mentioned her before.

Once the whole thing is over I leave going to Dad's quarters needing to get away plus I have a question to ask him.

I take a seat at the table and sigh, why am I so jealous? It's not like we're dating or anything. Dobby arrives so I ask him to make some bbq chicken then I move to the living area and curl up on the sofa. I hate having feelings, they're horrible and they hurt.

"Hello Louise"

I look up and smile "hey Dad, can you teach me not to feel?"

"And how am I meant to do that?"

"Well you're the expert on it"

He chuckles and moves my legs then sits down "I do feel, I just don't show what I'm feeling. What's wrong?"

"Fred was with Angelena today"


"I was jealous"

"Don't tell me you're falling for a Weasley"

"I can't help who I fall for Dad"

He lets out a sigh and looks at me "Your facial expressions. You need to stop allowing it to express your feelings. Also seeing as it's Fred you need to act like it didn't happen"

"It did happen though"

"But if you act differently which no doubt you will Fred will know something is wrong. You have to pretend it didn't happen to not let it affect you."

"Oh, that makes sense. Is there a spell or charm for it? I know I won't be able to manage it plus me and my big mouth will just confront him about it or make sarcastic remarks"

"No, this is life Louise. You can't always rely on magic"

"But it's not fair"

"Life isn't fair"

"Well it should be"

Dad lets out a chuckle and I make a start on eating my food which is the best-tasting thing I have had in a long time.

But the ball is fast approaching, will anyone ask me to the ball? George maybe will but I don't have feelings for him in that way. This is a type of event where you can't go as friends due to it being so formal.

Dad will probably be on the watch for making sure no next generations of babies are made so I could help him with that. I could just wrap up in bed and read a book or watch a muggle movie.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now