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The last few weeks have been strange and scary. There was blood on the wall with some warning about the Chamber of Secrets. No idea what it is though. Harry nearly got killed by the buldger in Quidditch. Lockhart who tried to fix his arm only made it worse. After the whole bone situation, I realized that Dad may have been right and Lockhart isn't as great as he makes out to be. 

"Why are we even here? He's useless" Ron complains as we're all stood in the Great hall 

"I can't believe I even had a crush on him" I reply 

"See I told you he was stupid and not even good looking" Fred speaks as he nudges me

"Yes, you were right, again. I'm sorry" 

"Good" He smiles at me 

"Gather round" Lockhart speaks as he walks up onto the stage? I'm assuming this long higher up table thing is a stage. 

"Can everybody see me? Can everybody hear me"

"Well seeing as he's talking loudly and looking down at us I would assume so" I mumble 

He introduces Dad who makes his way up onto the stage, he could look a bit more enthusiastic about it. 

"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. No I don't want any of you youngsters to worry, you'll still have your potions mater after I'm through with him. Never fear"

"Yeah we'll still have him, just without any bones inside him like Harry's arm" 

Lockhart glares at me whilst Fred and George are laughing quietly 

When they both get to the opposite ends of the stage they get into position and Lockhart does the countdown. 

"Exepellarmus" Dad speaks causing Lockhart to go flying backwards and everyone to laugh 

"Do you think he's alright?" Hermione asks, she still has a small crush on him even though he's stupid as hell 

"Who cares" Ron replies 

I look at Dad and smile at him, he does a quick smile back before going back to looking like a stone cold statue. 

"An excellent idea to show them that Professor Snape but if you don't mind me saying it was pretty obvious what you were about to do and if I had wanted to stop you it would've only been too easy"

"Liar" I say between coughs 

"Well, perhaps it would be prudent to teach students to block unfriendly spells professor." Dad replies 

"An excellent suggestion Professor Snape. Well lets have a volunteer pair" 

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