31 ~ 4th Year

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"What the hell?" I ask running over to watch a flying carriage arriving

"Look, there's a boat" Hermione points out towards the black lake where there's a boat coming out from above the water

"Now that we're all settled in and sorted" Dumbledore starts whilst I'm sat between Fred and Hermione quietly eating some brownies

He continues to talk about this castle not only being our home this year which we already know by the carriage and ship outside. Filch comes running? is that what he classes as running? I'd say it's more of a gallop. Anyway, Filch made a great entrance to tell Dumbledore something.

The Triwizard tournament is very dangerous. I don't like the sound of this, I don't like the sound of this one bit.

The Beauxbatons Academy arrives and what the hell? I dislike them. What is with French people having to be flirtatious?

"Stop staring at their backs like that" I whisper whilst slapping Fred's arm

"She's taller than Hagrid" Seamus speaks up.

The next school, Drumstrang. They know how to make a good entrance. It's very tribal style and I love it.

"Stop staring at them like that" Fred mimics to me

"It's Krum, from the world cup"

"So what? He's not even that good looking"

The headmaster walks past and immediately I don't like him. He's not a trustworthy person. I notice him and Dad having a stare off so I must remember to ask Dad about that later.

"I'd like to say a few words. Eternal Glory. That is what awaits the Student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this the Student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason, the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all of this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch"

There's a loud rumble of thunder but someone suddenly appears to stop it.

"That's Alistar Moody" Ron whispers as he leans over the table

"Mad-eye Moody?" I ask

"Yeah, he's a brilliant Aura"

Dumbledore announces the age have now changed to 17 which causes outrage with everyone. Good, I've heard about these tasks. This means Harry can't enter so maybe this year can end with no drama for once.

"So how do you know Karkaroff then?" I ask Dad as we enter his quarters

"I don't know him"

"If you don't know him then on his entrance was you both having a stare off?"

He sighs and takes a seat, myself also taking a seat. "We were friends in school. He's a death eater. Before you kick off, no we're not friends anymore. I haven't seen him since the war. He got sent to Azkaban but eventually released and became headmaster of Drumstrang."

"I don't trust him. As soon as I saw him I had this bad vibe"

"He's not a trustworthy person. Stay away from him"

"Why is this whole competition going on, I thought it was banned"

"I don't know"

"But with you know who about this is bad"

"Harry isn't 17 so he's safe"

"I know that but he could still try and do something"

"I doubt it, don't let it worry you. It isn't worth it when nothing will happen"

"You're right"

I spend the rest of the evening trying to get hints of future homework in Potions so I can be aware of what's coming up but Dad is such a stubborn person I don't get anywhere. So I did waste nearly 3 hours of my life on nothing. I will never get those 3 hours back again.

When I get back to the dorm I get ready and go to bed as I have a horrible day of classes tomorrow.

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