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It's been a week and I have taken Dad's advice, luckily my mouth hasn't let any remark slip out although my brain has thought of great remarks to speak.

"She said yes, she actually said yes" George smiles coming into the common room and taking a seat next to me and Fred, we were plotting our next prank

"Who?" I ask


I look at him confused "I thought Fred was going to ask her"

"No, I got someone else in mind" Fred replies

"Oh," I frown slightly but quickly hide it by saying I'm happy for George.

At least Fred doesn't like her in that way, but who is the other girl? I ignore it not letting it bother me and continue with my notes for the prank.

"Well that's everything, I think it will be brilliant" I smile

"Me too" George replies as he packs everything up then he takes it to the dorm leaving me and Fred alone in the common room

"So, do you have a date to the ball?" Fred asks

"Nope. Who's the other girl you have an eye on?"

"A Gryffindor, she's very beautiful and one of the funniest females I know."

"She sounds nice" I smile even though on the inside I want to run away and cry

"She really is and she likes to pull pranks which are fun. She even pranked her Dad once which was brave and honestly the best prank ever due to the person that was getting prank was one of my personal aims to prank before I leave. Louise, will you go to the ball with me?"

"Yeah" I smile


"Let's go eat" George speaks as he comes down the stairs and we make our way to the Great Hall

A few Days Later

Dad is taking me dress shopping today for the Yule Ball, I'm so excited we're currently in the 3rd shop and Dad is starting to get shall we say annoyed?

"What about this one?" I smile coming out from the fitting room

"It's a bit old don't you think?"

"Well this wasn't the favorite I saw the next one is"

"Well go and try it on then" he smiles although I can tell it's fake, what's with men getting so impatient when us girls try clothes on.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now