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It's the weekend and I'm spending it how I always spend my weekends, cuddled up in bed with Fonso.

My classes have been going well, Ron and Hermione seem to have a love hate relationship going on. They really got on my nerves in Charms yesterday as apparently Ron kept saying to spell wrong.

Seamus Finnigan is not the best wizard out there but he's a nice person.

Neville makes me question why he's in Gryffindor but I know the sorting hat wouldn't of placed him in Gryffindor if he isn't brave. Some day I know he will break out of his shell and be the true Gryffindor that he is deep down.

Draco Malfoy is the worst person I have ever met, followed by Pansy Parkinson, I'm so happy that I didn't get placed in Slytherin with them. Malfoy is just a spoiled brat, I've heard all about him and his family. Pure evil.

Harry doesn't like Draco either, then again a lot of the school doesn't. But Draco and Harry seem to be enemies, Draco just cannot resist going so much as a day without making some rude remark or trying to make something go wrong for Harry. It's rather pathetic really.

"George shut up, no one cares"

"Of course they do, it's Hogsmeade. Home of Zonkos"

"Honeydukes is better"

"How dare you" Him and Fred gasps

"Sorry, I just really like sweets"

"Favourite sweets?" Fred asks

"Sugar Quills, Charm Chocs and Sugared Butterfly Wings"

"Well looks like you can get them when you reach 3rd year" George replies

"Or I can get them whenever I like cause I have a father who works here"

"Who you're currently not talking to" Ron reminds me

"And? I'm sure he would still get me them, if not Mum will send me some"

"Why are you all sat around here doing nothing? You all got homework to do" Hermione speaks as she enters the common room

"I'm teaching Harry Wizard's Chess"

"and you Louise?"

"I was talking to the twins about Honeydukes"

"No we was talking about how great Zonkos is"




"Be quiet all of you" Hermione interrupts mine and George's little argument of what's better between the two.

Zonko's is great too but winding George up is fun.

"I've done my honework"


"How am I a liar?"

"You was cuddling Fonso when I left to go to the library"

"I did it in bed, multitasking"

She raises her eyebrow at me and I cave in admitting I haven't touched it. So here I am now sat at the table in the corner doing homework whilst everyone else is having fun either talking about pranks or playing chess, or reading a book in Hermione's case.

"You wrote the wrong answer there"

I look and see Fred now sat next to me

"And how do you know that I did it wrong?"

"Because I already done it obviously"

"Well rumor has you turned your matchstick to a twig not a needle"

"How did you find that out?"

"Your little brother"

"I wanted to be adventurous, why would I want a needle"

"To pass the class" I smirk

"Come on just listen to me, I know the correct answer. Me and George want to go and do some pranks"

"I'm not stopping you"

"We want you to join us"

"Oh, well come on then Mr Weasley. What's the answers?"

After we finally finished my homework I put my things away then we left to go and pull some pranks.

The day was fun, my highlight was when the twins managed to swap one of the buldgers so when the beaters of Slytherin hit it during practice it just exploded like a giant flour puff ball covering everyone nearby in white flour.

After dinner I spend some more time with Fonso and decide to write to Mum as I did say I would write to her much earlier than a week of being here.

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