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"Good Luck Harry" I smile hugging him

"Thank you"

Myself, Ron and Hermione leave him to go and join everyone else on the stands.

"Where're the twins?" Ron asks

"Taking bets" me and Ginny replies in sync.

I tried to stopped them but did they listen? Of course not.

Dumbledore explains the rules of what's to happen during the final task. It doesn't seem that hard but of course, this is Hogwarts anything can happen, the rest of the tasks hasn't exactly been easy.

"It's been ages where are they?" I complain.

Fleur and Krum returned ages ago but still no sign of Harry or Cedric.

After even longer silence Harry and Cedric appear on the floor, the music starts again as we all stand up cheering.

"Why aren't they standing up?" I ask Fred

He shrugs and continues clapping.

"This isn't good"

as we make our way down I notice Dumbledore trying to move Harry but he refuses to.

"He's back" I hear Harry speak.

I push my way past everyone and stand closely next to Dad

"Voldemort's back. Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him. Not there"

I link my arm around Dad's looking up at him worried.

"Let me through, that's my son." Mr Diggory cries out now reaching the scene.

I hug Dad as I let some tears escape myself.

"Get everyone away and back in the castle" Dumbledore orders

I let go of Dad and walk over placing my hand on Harry's back. "Harry come on, Mr Diggory deserves to be left alone in peace with his son."

He slowly gets up with mine and Dumbledore's help only for him to get snatched off us by Professor Moody.

What the hell?

"Louise please go back to the castle" Dad speaks

I nod my head yes whilst wiping my eyes. Everyone is making their back apart from Fred who's stood there waiting for me.

I take his hand and we make our way to the Great Hall in silence. I rest my head on his shoulder as Professor McGonagall stands at the front of the Great Hall.

"Unfortunately there was an incident during the final task. As a result of this Mr Cedric Diggory died."

"It wasn't an incident, it was planned by you know who" I mumble

"We will have his funeral tomorrow at 11 am. If you wish to attend, please make your way to the Quidditch pitch where we will be holding it. Please all go back to your common rooms. Lessons are also canceled for tomorrow including end of year exams"

We all get up in silence and make our way to the common room. The next day is surprisingly a beautiful day outside. I get changed into my black knee-length dress and clip half my hair up with my Gryffindor bow.

Breakfast was quiet, personally I couldn't eat much so I only had a slice of toast and half a glass of apple juice.

Time Skip

"Well I'm making potions with Dad but yes Hermione I will write to you every week" I chuckle

"And you're seeing me over the summer too" Fred speaks up

"Yes Fred I'm seeing you too" I smile as I steal a piece of bacon from his plate.

"I can't believe it wasn't mad eye moody" Ron speaks up

"That was a big twist of events, hopefully, next year won't be as dramatic and of course not sad. I hope Cho will be ok" I frown

"I'm sure she'll be fine. I mean after this year it can't get any worse can it?" Ron asks

"This is Hogwarts, don't jinx it."

"Have a safe journey back to kings cross, no pranking people" I smile before hugging fred

"Can't make any promises" he winks before leaning down and kissing me

"Cut your hair too, both of you" I smile

"Yes mom" George laughs hugging me

I say goodbye to everyone else then I stand next to Hagrid as we wave the train off.

"Well that's another year over with" Hagrid speaks as we make our way back to the castle

"Yeah, it was a bit of a wild one this year. Have you got any plans for the summer?"

"I'm going to see a man about an egg"

"Please don't be a dragon again"

"It isn't a dragon, I don't think."

I let out a chuckle, when we get back to the castle I grab my things and go to find Dad so we can go home. I'm excited to just catch up on sleep and of course cuddle Fonso. I haven't got to spend much time with him in the last few weeks so he probably hates me right now.

Louise SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now