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"Are you being serious?" I ask 


"Thank you" I smile and hug Dad tightly before running upstairs to my bedroom. 

Seeing as I'm now living here Dad has finally allowed me to decorate my bedroom, no more darkness. I have been planning this in my head for weeks so I know exactly how I want it. 

I look around the room and smile as I hold my wand and close my eyes imaging how I want it to look. When I open my eyes I smile liking how it turned out then I put all my stuff from Hogwarts away I place my trunk in the wardrobe so it's out of the way.

"Louise, Dinner" Dad calls after a few hours 

I stick the last photo on the wall then I go downstairs taking a seat at the table. 

"What is that?" I ask looking at the pot confused

"It's a hot pot, what else would it be?"

"Looks like a potion gone wrong"

"You used to like hot pots"

"Why is it so watery?

"It isn't. Stop complaining and eat what you're given or go without"

I put some on my plate then I pick up one of the bread rolls to soak up the water which turns out to actually be gravy, just very thin gravy. 

"I'm sorry, it's actually nice"

"Well it's not as good as your grandmothers but it'll do"

"She always added dumplings"

"I didn't add them because they didn't turn out great"

"You actually cooked it without magic?" I ask surprised 

"Yes Louise, I can actually cook without magic you know"

"I didn't say you couldn't. I just assumed you didn't like to as you always had the help of magic whenever I was here"

"Not all the time"

"Most of the time then" I smirk 

"Just eat your food"

After we have finished food Dad uses magic to wash the dishes so I go and have a bubble bath before I read some of my book in bed where I end up passing out asleep. 

3 Weeks later

"What, that isn't fair" I mumble as I read the postcard

"What isn't fair?" Dad asks 

"The Weasleys are in Egypt. Hermione went to Spain. Everyone is having a holiday except me and Harry."

"You had a mini holiday last week"

"Getting forced to spend the night at Malfoy Manor is not a holiday. It's hell"

"How about we go to London for the day?"

"Sightseeing everything?"

"If you want"

"That'll be fun" I smile and go to get ready 

The Malfoys had this stupid party thing they do every summer, of course, to show off they let all the guests spend the entire night there. Their house is nothing to show off, it's dark and horrible. 

I had to be nice to Draco and it was the worst, it didn't last long though. I ended up throwing my drink at him by the end of the night. Dad was not impressed.

"It's so pretty" I smile as I stare through the fencing at Buckingham Palace

"It's just a building" 

"But the Queen lives there, it's full of cute dogs"

"It's been 15 minutes time to move on now"

I sigh and run to catch up with him, why does he have to always walk so fast? 

"Please, can we go in this shop?"


I smile and drag Dad into the music shop where an hour later we leave, I love music shops they're so fun. 

We go to have some food then decide to have a walk along the Thames before going home. 

Today has been fun, it's nice to spend time with Dad without it being in Hogwarts as there are no annoying students around. 

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