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I was walking down the corridor when I saw professor Quirrel looking suspicious. So, of course, I follow him due to the fact Dad is getting blamed by the trio for something which I know isn't him. He also let the troll in on Halloween, I overhead Dad telling Dumbledore about it.

"This floor is out of bounds," I say as I step off the staircase

He turns around and looks at me shocked and a small hint of scared  "for students, you shouldn't be here"

"No, it's out of bounds for teachers too except Dumbledore, Filch and Hagrid"

"I, err"

"Cut the crap. You didn't stutter once then, how did you even get the job? You're rubbish at it"

"Get rid of her, we're running out of time," a voice says, God knows where it's coming from

Quirrel takes a step forward so I immediately pull my wand out "stupify" I yell but the spell doesn't work, I try other spells I know but it's like he's immortal.

He grabs hold of my shoulder and turns me around

"Hey get off me"

"I don't like being ignored, it's very rude. Didn't your mother bring you up not to be rude?"

He reaches the stairs and let's go of my shoulder finally. "Run along now little girl"

"I may be a little girl but at least I'm not scared of my own shadow unlike you"

"Looks like you need a head start," he says shoving me and quickly walking off

I try to keep my balance but it's too late, I fall down the stairs. Landing on someone's feet. I look at them and just see black.


I look up and see Dad kneeling down "what did he do?"

"How do you know it's a he? Or a human for that matter?"

"I know Quirrel is after something and he's the only one who would be on the third floor"

"I saw him going there, I followed to tell him it's out of bounds. He pushed me"

"HE WHAT!" Dad explodes with rage

"Is my wand broke?"

"No, I caught it."

"Phew, didn't want to get a new one I like that wand" I chuckle

He picks me up holding me on his waist as he hands me my wand back and walks off, to the hospital wing I presume.

"Dad, I can walk you know?"

"I know but I haven't carried you in years"

"But I'm not little and light anymore"

"You're as light as a feather, are you even eating properly?"



"Dad, something strange happened before he pushed me"

"What happened?"

"A voice spoke, he said 'get rid of her we're running out of time' I don't know where the voice came from and I shot spells at him but it was like he's immortal cause they hit him but nothing happened"

His face pales and he walks faster dropping me off outside "I must see Dumbledore, you ok to go in alone?"

"Whoop whoop walk-in patient" I cheer

He looks at me like I'm mad and chuckles "that fall has made you go all looney"

"Rude" I smirk and I make my way inside where Madam Pomfrey immediately makes me go and lay down on the nearest bed. It's just a fall I feel fine. 

"Here take some of this and rest"

I swallow the spoonful of liquid and that's when the tiredness overtakes my body so I get more comfortable closing my eyes. 

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